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All American 1 branch locations will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

American 1 Reopens all Branches by Appointment Only

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American 1 Reopens all Branches by Appointment Only


Jackson, MI – In an email to its members, American 1 Credit Union announced the reopening of all branches, by appointment only, starting Monday, June 1.

“The safety of our staff and members is our number one priority. We have taken proper precautions to ensure we can conduct business safely and efficiently within our branches,” said James Allen, Chief Member Experience Officer at American 1. “Face-to-face interaction with our members is important to us. We value each member and take pride in the relationships we have built.”

Appointments are only available for Member Service appointments at this time. This includes services such as opening a new loan or account, requesting a new debit or credit card, investigating suspected fraud on an account, or notary services. To schedule an appointment, visit or call (888) 213-2848. In addition to requiring an appointment, American 1 is implementing additional safety precautions:

  • Face masks are required in all branches
  • No guests are permitted
  • No public restrooms are available
  • Distance of at least six feet from others must be maintained

If American 1 members still prefer not to go into the branch, the majority of essential banking services can be done remotely through American 1’s Online Banking, Mobile App (with mobile check deposit), their 24-hour Contact Center, and other self-service options.

Established in 1950, American 1 Credit Union today serves over 58,000 members with branches in Jackson, Washtenaw, Hillsdale, Calhoun, Lenawee, and Wayne counties. American 1 is proud to serve the members of their communities by creating financial wellness through personal everyday banking.

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