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TikTok scams

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TikTok Scams


When a platform becomes popular, scammers look to capitalize on the opportunity. Over the past couple of years, TikTok has soared in popularity, with over 1 billion users as of September 2021. Avoid being scammed on TikTok by checking out the following tips:

  • Celebrity Impersonators – While scammers have always tried to impersonate celebrities, they do a great job of it on TikTok. They can easily copy celebrity videos and information and pass themselves off as the real deal.
  • Offering Free Followers and Likes – While this is not new, it's still prevalent. If someone offers you free likes or followers, it is not legitimate. Scammers are likely trying to get you to download an app from which they will profit.
  • TikTok Bots – This is not specific to TikTok, but beware of bots. These spam accounts will message you in the hopes of leading you to a shady website, giving personal information, or infecting your device with malware. Always use the utmost caution and be careful not to reveal anything confidential. Do not give in to any of their demands.

The Gadgets to Use website has more information about TikTok scams here. If you think you have been scammed, contact your local authorities immediately.

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