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Patch Tuesday: November 26, 2019

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Patch Tuesday: November 26, 2019


The holidays are right around the corner which means there are meals to prepare for, presents to buy, and traditions to enjoy. But all that holiday cheer melts away when a Black Friday deal turns into a malicious phishing scam, stealing your identity, or downloading malware on your computer or mobile device. Be safe this holiday season when shopping for amazing deals and avoid the holiday email scams. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are popular times for hackers to deploy phishing scams. Beware of emails that ask for any of your personal information, login credentials, or credit card information. Avoid clicking on any links and just go to the website from your browser if possible. Check to make sure an email address is from a trustworthy source. Hackers will use email addresses that look like popular senders, but the address will be slightly different. Also, make sure all your devices are updated so they have the latest security patches. Take these extra precautions and have a safe and happy holiday season!

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