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All American 1 branch locations will be closed on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Save Automatically

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Save Automatically


ASW Save Automatically

Have you ever planned to transfer money into your savings account and then forgot about it, or an enticing way to spend the cash presented itself? It happens, and that’s okay, but if you’re a person that could use some help following through with saving money, consider setting up automatic transfers to your savings accounts.

If you set up automatic transfers to your savings, this will do the work for you, so you don’t have to remember. You can set the transfer up to occur as often as you like and for any amount you want. Automatic transfers can also help prevent you from spending the money instead of saving it, and soon your savings will start to grow right before your eyes.


You can set up automatic transfers on most online banking platforms. If you do not use a platform like this, you can always call your local branch to get one set up.


In American 1’s Online Banking & App platform, you can set up a savings goal and keep recurring transfers going until you meet your goal using a True Savings Account. Log into American 1’s Online Banking & App platform here to set up your automatic transfers today!

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